How to properly install new rails

Start by laying out your rail set. Not all 6 rails are the same, you'll have 3 matching pairs. 2 end rails, 2 rights, and 2 lefts. The side rails (right and left) will have one sharp angled cut and one shallow angled cut, like an 'arrow' with the sharp angle pointing into the corner pocket.

Starting with the center bolt, use your hand to start threading the bolt into the t-nut to prevent cross-threading. Then work on the two outer bolts. Using either a screwdriver or ratchet, tighten all the bolts evenly being careful not to overtighten or cross-thread the bolts. Do NOT use an electric drill. Any damage caused by improper installation is not covered by warranty.

Bolts only need to be hand-tight. We don't have a recommended torque setting, however, Valley recommends 65 inch-pounds for their rails. So use your best judgment.

Prior to fully tightening, ensure the cushion is at the proper height. The nose of the rubber should be 1 7/16" above the top of the playing surface. This is more important than the rail being flush with the laminate.

Take your time, it's much faster (and cheaper) to install the rails correctly the first time as opposed to having to repair or replace a broken rail.

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